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TechnoLawyer: We're Blogging and You're Invited

By Neil J. Squillante | Thursday, April 7, 2005

Should we blog? That was an easy question to answer, especially for a publisher.

What should we blog about? That was a much tougher question to answer, especially for a publisher.

Nearly a year in the making, today we launch TechnoLawyer Blog!

What Will Technolawyer Blog Contain?

At the outset, TechnoLawyer Blog will contain the following:

1. Coming Attractions

Every Friday, we will provide coming attractions for each of our newsletters the following week. We think you'll find many uses for these coming attractions. For example:

• If you submit a business or technology Question, you'll know which issues of our Answers to Questions newsletter address your Question.

• If you see something of interest coming up in a newsletter to which you don't subscribe, you can easily subscribe in time.

• You can review all past coming attractions to see what you've missed — just select the Coming Attractions topic.

2. Member News

TechnoLawyer members are among the most gifted and prominent in the legal profession.

Accordingly, we'll use our blog to let you know about their latest accomplishments — articles, eBooks, and books, upcoming appearances at seminars and on radio and television, press coverage, etc.

We'll also report on the law firms at which our members work. Specifically, we'll let you know when their firms launch a new blog, e-mail newsletter, or Web site, and any other noteworthy news.

3. Quips, TechnoEditorials, and Industry News

Quips: A Quip is a very short member contribution for which we don't have room in our Answers to Questions or Fat Friday newsletters. If you like insightful, pithy commentary, you'll like Quips.

TechnoEditorials: Occasionally, we like to opine on a practice management or legal technology issue. We call these opinions TechnoEditorials.

Industry News: We sometimes come across important industry news that the mainstream media fails to report. When they let you down, we'll fill the void.

In addition to reading Quips, TechnoEditorials and Industry News in TechnoLawyer Blog, you can also read them in our TechnoGuide newsletter. In fact, they will appear in TechnoGuide before they appear in TechnoLawyer Blog. Hey, membership has its privileges.

4. The Best Ads

Many people say they hate advertising, but what they probably mean is that they hate bad advertising and they hate irrelevant advertising.

When advertising is creative and relevant, people pay attention. Unfortunately, bad ads outnumber quality ads, and irrelevant ads outnumber relevant ads.

To encourage legal vendors to produce outstanding ads (which is to their benefit after all), we will publish the most controversial, creative, popular, and provocative legal technology and practice management ads in our blog — at no charge to legal vendors.

How's that for Starters?

We hope TechnoLawyer Blog will earn a bookmark in your browser or newsreader. Even more importantly, if you're not yet a TechnoLawyer member, we hope you'll join, and sign up for one or more of our critically-acclaimed newsletters. The price is certainly right — free. You can join here.

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