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Review of TheBrain 7 Pro for Use in Litigation Plus Closing Argument Tip

By Kathryn Hughes | Friday, March 15, 2013

Coming today to LitigationWorld: Are two brains better— than one? Possibly when one of those brains resides on your Mac or PC. In this issue of LitigationWorld, Pennsylvania litigator Thomas Groshens reviews TheBrain 7 Pro mind-mapping software. After explaining its various versions and core features, Thomas evaluates using TheBrainPro to connect the intricate set of dots (facts, issues, law, etc.) that comprise complex litigation cases. Thomas also issues a verdict in the form of a TechnoScore. If you've never used mind-mapping software, this review will give you some proverbial food for thought. Also, don't miss the LitigationWorld Pick of the Week for the best closing argument tip we've encountered since we started publishing LitigationWorld.

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