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Battle of the Law Firm Videos: McDivitt Law Firm Versus Reibman & Weiner

By Neil J. Squillante | Thursday, May 29, 2008

Today we bring you a clash of two personal injury firms.

McDivitt Law Firm: A Groundbreaking YouTube Video ...

McDivitt Law Firm handles personal injury cases in Colorado. A few hours ago, the law firm uploaded a video to YouTube that represents a breakthrough despite its flaws.

The video portrays the firm as a father-son (Mike and David) operation with Mom managing the business. Mike plays the role of the tough lawyer who has seen it all while David shows a softer, more compassionate side (as does his Mom). You can tell that they all rehearsed prior to filming. Preparation makes such a difference.

The camera moves in an unconventional manner with some frames purposely missing or sped up, which gives the video a reality TV show feel but does not detract from the message. In the end, the McDivitts make their point — they understand what you're going through and will fight for you.

I do have two quibbles. First, the description needs a link to the firm's site.

Second, Mike wears a frumpy-looking suit without a tie while his son David dresses casually. To better showcase the theme about the firm having both a hard and soft edge, Mike should have dressed in a power suit and tie. I think people like seeing their lawyers dressed well.

Reibman & Weiner: (A Lot More of) the Same Old, Same Old ...

Reibman & Weiner, a personal injury firm in New York, certainly seems to have done its research — to its detriment. Its YouTube video uses one cliche after the next, almost like an homage to all those late night TV commercials for legal services ("Have you been injured?" — yes, that line is in the video).

I will give Reibman & Weiner points for taking advantage of YouTube's longer format to delve deeper into the (well-worn) playbook than you would see on TV.

And The Winner Is ...

McDivitt Law Firm easily wins today's battle of the law firm videos. Bring on the sequel!

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