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SmallLaw: YouLaw: The Risks of Using a TelePrompTer in Your Law Firm Video

By Gerry Oginski | Monday, June 21, 2010

Originally published on June 14, 2009 in our free SmallLaw newsletter.

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TechnoScore: 2.5
1 = Lowest Possible Score; 5 = Highest Possible Score
Today's video review focuses on Fort Lauderdale attorney Teisha Powell whose firm handles foreclosure and loan modification cases. The opening scene shows a well-dressed woman standing in front of a magnificent bookcase in some type of library. She introduces herself and gets right to the heart of her talk: You're facing foreclosure and need help. Unfortunately, her video earns a TechnoScore of just 2.5 for the reasons discussed below.

1. Choose Your Background Wisely

Teisha's video production company did a great job of creating this video in high definition — it's crystal clear. The background looks stunning. It gives a warm, rich feel to a video that might otherwise have been harsh and typical of an attorney video. I believe that it's an extremely well done green screen image. You'll notice at various points in the video the image zooms in, and then zooms out again — a computer editing giveaway. Teisha also chose her clothes wisely — they look crisp and professional.

It's too bad more attorneys don't use different backgrounds to set themselves apart from the crowd. This one simple change may help a viewer choose to click on your video when looking at a page filled with 15 other videos. Teisha earns high marks here.

2. Skip the TelePrompTer and Talk Naturally

If you watch Teisha's eyes and face, you can see that she is reading from a TelePrompTer. Her voice sounds stilted and unnatural. I know that many video producers want to create a script for the lawyer to follow. However, using a script and TelePrompTer can produce terrible results.

When a client comes into your office and sits across the table from you and asks you questions about their legal problem, do you say "Wait a second I have to run to my cabinet to pull out my script so I can answer your question?" Of course not. You know the answer to the question and you immediately respond in an easy-going conversational tone. Could you imagine what your potential client would think if you responded to their questions in a robotic and stilted fashion?

It is difficult to express confidence and knowledge about your area of the law while reading from a TelePrompTer, even if you practice many times. This video could have been significantly improved if the producer simply pretended to be a potential client and asked Teisha how she could help her if she's in foreclosure. Her response would have been natural, more relaxed, and easier to watch.

Incidentally, most video sharing sites cannot index the words you say in your video. That's why the sidebar description is so important for search engine optimization. However, YouTube now uses speech recognition to create closed captioning text, which will only get better. But for the time being, the sidebar remains critical. Teisha's sidebar contains a typo — "principle" should be "principal" — an important term in foreclosure law.

3. Create a Compelling Reason for Your Viewer to Call You

Attorney Powel's presentation is so formal and filled with "We may get..." and "We might be able to help you..." that I'm unclear what real information she provides to a potential client. While she talks, bullet points appear on the right side of the screen — a useful way to emphasize your talking points. However, as in the sidebar, she misspells "principal."

What is the purpose of creating an attorney video? To get a Web site viewer to pick up the phone and call you. If your video is filled with only vague possibilities and unknowns, why would a viewer want to call you for more information?

Instead, use your video to explain the process of how foreclosure works. Give a viewer information that they did not know before they clicked on your video. Demonstrate that you have information that they need to know, and the way to obtain the rest of that information is to call. Stop talking about generalities. Instead, give them a reason to pick up the phone and call you.

Till next time, see you on video!

The Back Bench

Certified Family Law Specialist and online video producer Kelly Chang Rickert says: "SLOW video. She may be a fabulous attorney, but in front of a camera, Ms. Powell speaks with hesitation and appears to stumble over her words, even while reading a TelePrompTer. Her ill-at-ease behavior in front of the camera does little to convince potential clients that she is adept in the courtroom. In a fast-paced industry such as real estate, I would be extremely hesitant to hire someone who comes across as timid as she does. The video quality itself is poor. The law library background is trite and overused, and the music is better used as a lullaby. I give this flunking video a 1 (for effort)!"

Lawyer, journalist, and legal media consultant Robert Ambrogi says: "I thought this was well done all around. Well photographed and edited, with nice use of cutaways. A clear and direct script. Effective use of graphics to underscore key points and provide contact information. And Attorney Powell came across as clear, direct, and concerned. I'd give it a 5."

TechnoLawyer publisher and online video producer Neil Squillante says: "I like Teisha's use of the second person throughout the video, and I like the production values, but the video runs too long. If Teisha either edits it down to one minute or makes it more informative by discussing the foreclosure process in greater detail she'll have a winner."

Written by Gerry Oginski of The Lawyers' Video Studio.

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