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LexisNexis Litigation Profile Suite: Read Our Exclusive Report

By Neil J. Squillante | Thursday, August 16, 2012

Today's issue of TL NewsWire covers a litigation research service (see article below), an iPhone app on which you can store The Bluebook, an app for controlling an Android smartphone from your computer, and an online service for local television broadcasts. Don't miss the next issue.


While it's important to understand the parties, facts, and legal issues in the lawsuits you handle, it's also important to understand the judge, expert witnesses, and opposing counsel. Always know your enemy as they say — and even your friends (co-counsel and your own prospective experts). A consumer search engine like Google may suffice for a blind date, but not for more serious "opposition research" in litigation.

LexisNexis Litigation Profile Suite … in One Sentence
LexisNexis Litigation Profile Suite is an online service that enables you to obtain information about and analyze judges, expert witnesses, and opposing counsel.

The Killer Feature
Litigation Profile Suite draws from a large data set, including more than 100,000 full-text court transcripts, more than 40,000 curricula vitae and resumes, more than 320,000 expert witnesses, and the world's largest collection of jury instructions, settlements, and verdicts. It also draws from, including court opinions, secondary legal materials, and news articles.

From all this data, Litigation Profile Suite enables you to search for a judge, expert, or lawyer, and create a dynamic online report. Unlike a static report, a Litigation Profile Suite report resides in your web browser. Thus, you can drill down to view documents of interest, enabling you to assess a person's experience, past performance, biases, relationships, and more. Also, the reports feature charts and graphs to facilitate your analysis. This insight into key players can minimize surprises and inform your case strategy.

Other Notable Features
The Judge Profile enables you see how much experience a judge has with a particular area of law, evaluate their ruling style and other tendencies, and review their court opinions and other written works, work history, and personal interests. This information can help you decide which motions to pursue and how to best present your case.

The Expert Witness Profile can find prior contradictory statements, challenges to testimony, inconsistent or fudged credentials, and other materials that relate to an expert's credibility.

The Attorney Profile provides details on their areas of expertise. You can see if they've handled similar cases and the verdicts associated with those cases (sanctions too).

What Else Should You Know?
It costs nothing to search Litigation Profile Suite to find people of interest. LexisNexis' Unique ID system helps you pinpoint the right people, which is especially helpful if you need to hire an expert as opposed to searching for a specific person whose identity you already know. You pay only when you generate a report and access its related documents. You can try Litigation Profile Suite, including unlimited access to the reports you generate, for free for seven days. Learn more about LexisNexis Litigation Profile Suite.

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