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How von Briesen & Roper Used Dropthings to Inexpensively Build a Modular, World-Class Intranet

By Kathryn Hughes | Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Coming today to TechnoFeature: What happens when your firm's managing partner asks you to build a modular intranet that works like iGoogle? Yikes! Google likely spent millions of dollars building its popular portal. Even a large law firm doesn't have that kid of cash for a single IT project. Fortunately for von Briesen & Roper, its CIO William Caraher is an open source advocate and legal social media expert. He not only undertook this seemingly impossible challenge, but rolled out the intranet envisioned by his firm's managing partner in less than six months. In this TechnoFeature, Bill discusses the software and process he used to achieve this feat — most notably open source software Dropthings. If your firm needs a better way to share information internally and likes the idea of not spending much money, read Bill's incredible story.

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