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Hang Your eShingle: A Review of Impirus Legal Websites

By Kathryn Hughes | Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Coming today to TechnoFeature: So you're starting your own law firm. Among the lengthy list of items on your task list — launch a web site. If you're not a web designer (likely since law schools don't teach graphic design or programming), you're going to need help. You can spend big bucks on a web designer or little bucks on a turnkey solution. In this issue of TechnoFeature, West Michigan family and general practice lawyer Pete Armstrong reviews Impirus Legal Websites, a service that enables you to build and host a web site, including a client portal, for $49 per month. Is Impirus worth the price tag? See for yourself as Pete walks you through the features and then lets you compare his old site to his new Impirus site.

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Topics: Law Firm Marketing/Publications/Web Sites | TechnoFeature
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