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SmallLaw: Zen and the Art of Small Law Firm Practice: Free Yourself to Become a Better Lawyer

By Edward Zohn | Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Originally published on February 22, 2011 in our free SmallLaw newsletter. Instead of reading SmallLaw here after the fact, sign up now to receive future issues in realtime.

I am on a mission. I just passed my fifteenth anniversary of being sworn in as an attorney in New Jersey. "The Law" was not my first career (I was that one guy in your law school class in his mid-thirties). Nevertheless, after fifteen years my legal career has lasted longer than anything else. Most days, I look forward to going to work. I know, however, that I could be more satisfied with my work, more productive, a better attorney — and happier. So my mission is to rediscover the contentment and excitement of my early years of law practice through new techniques and technologies. And I'm going to take you along for the ride.

Keep It Simple Stupid Is Not Just Trite, It's Right

To practice law right, you have to keep it simple — really simple. I know, the KISS acronym is trite and overused. It is not, however, wrong.

I have never worked as a "biglaw" attorney. In the 14 years since my judicial clerkship concluded, I have been self-employed, either as a solo or in a two-person partnership. It's not always easy — like the famous desk ornament on President Truman's desk, the buck really does stop here. It can also be intensely rewarding. I have found that the more I successfully free my mind to concentrate on the substantive work of being a lawyer, the better lawyer I become.

Many of my past TechnoLawyer contributions have circled around two themes: do it yourself, and keep it simple. I have ranted about too much technology, discussed roll-your-own practice management, and taught the basics of self-built computers. I have discussed right here in SmallLaw why I gave up a smartphone.

I have carefully read books and blogs on these subjects, and have tried to implement the substance of these readings and simplify my work and home life.

Zen and the Art of Small Law Firm Practice

I am certainly not the first person to think of "simplification." Self-help books and blogs about this topic are ubiquitous. The term "Zen" has become an adjective to many nouns. I believe, however, that too many attorneys — myself included — have accepted chaos and stress as a way of life for far too long.

But where to start? Should you seek first to reduce your clutter (email, computer desktop, physical desktop), simplify your practice management tasks, simplify your billing, simplify your network management tasks, purchase hardware that under-complicates rather than over-complicates your life, or purchase simple, effective, and easy to learn software?

Initially, none of the above.

I suggest that you first step back, take a few minutes off, close your door, turn off your computer screen, shut out the noise, stop the phone calls, and ask:

Is your current workflow working?

Be objective. Are you pleased with your work? Are your clients, employees, supervisors, etc. pleased with your work? Do you take too much of your stress home? Do you over-consume anything, including alcohol, caffeine, and food? Do you ingest other chemicals, legal or illegal? Do you earn enough money? Do you have financial problems?

If you can answer the preceding questions in the "correct" manner, then skip the rest of this column, call me immediately, and tell me your secret. Seriously, I doubt anyone has all the correct answers to these questions. I certainly do not.

In the relatively brief time I have paid attention to these subjects, however, I have come to understand one inescapable truth, which is that the next client, the next case, the next software or hardware product, the next boss or employee, etc. will not fix these problems for you. Most small law firms use techniques that resemble antihistamines — they only ameliorate the symptoms, but don't cure the problem.

So I suggest you start by reading some information that has nothing to do with the law. The beginning of my journey to simplify my life began with reading some books written by the Vietnamese Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hanh. I suggest starting with the following titles:

Peace Is Every Step

The Miracle of Mindfulness

His books are accessible and enjoyable, even for folks who observe different religions or no religion at all. Read the books slowly, a few pages at at time. You can also read Leo Babauta's popular blog, zenhabits.

For a more "practical" approach, check out Nozbe's Productive Magazine. Nozbe is not just a publisher, but the creator of a task manager that TechnoLawyer covered in 2007.

A Simple First Step to Getting Things Done

There is a family joke about me, which began with my wife's keen understanding of my moods. Whenever I have been too stressed for long periods, days or weeks, or whenever I try to make big changes, I always begin by selling a bunch of my possessions in eBay. It rids my mind and consciousness of things that I neither need nor want. Only then can I move forward.

If you want to start now with a concrete activity, take this simple five-minute step. Remove everything off your desk and other work surfaces except for the few electrical items (lamps, keyboard/monitor/mouse, and phone). After wiping the dust and dirt away, restore only what you need to complete the next item on your task list. Replace nothing else. If you are left with files or other work-in-process, place it in a drawer or on a shelf. Doesn't your next task look a little more manageable when everything you need to do isn't staring you in the face?

Written by Edward Zohn of Zohn & Zohn LLP.

How to Receive SmallLaw
Small firm, big dreams. Published first via email newsletter and later here on our blog, SmallLaw provides you with a mix of practical advice that you can use today, and insight about what it will take for small law firms like yours to thrive in the future. The SmallLaw newsletter is free so don't miss the next issue. Please subscribe now.

Topics: Law Office Management | SmallLaw

SmallLaw: Can't Touch This: Using the MiFi 2200 as a Smartphone Alternative

By Edward Zohn | Monday, October 26, 2009


Originally published on October 19, 2009 in our free SmallLaw newsletter.

The iPhone, BlackBerry, Palm Pre, and other smartphones have conquered the legal world. Originally embraced by salespeople, adoption among lawyers has skyrocketed in recent years. In fact, the iPhone has emerged as the new attorney status symbol — even though it's not really targeted at the enterprise market. (Some iPhone-toting lawyers I know don't even know how to use their iPhone for email.) Given this smartphone ubiquity, I knew it was time to get rid of mine. Yes, you read that right.

I deactivated my well-used BlackBerry 8703e, and "upgraded" my Verizon data plan to a MiFi 2200, officially called the "MiFi 2200 Intelligent Mobile Hotspot." Developed by Novatel, the MiFi 2200 is about the size of a credit card though thicker. It provides simultaneous Internet access to five computers — without having to be plugged into any of them. Your computer (invariably a notebook or a netbook) connects to the MiFi 2200 using WiFi (802.11g or 802.11n) over Verizon's cellular network (Sprint also offers the MiFi).

The technical specifications and reviews of the MiFi 2200 are well chronicled elsewhere. From a small firm perspective, how does the MiFi facilitate our work, as compared to other alternatives?

A Small Firm Lawyer's Perspective on the MiFi

I am no longer instantly accessible to everyone who sends me an email. This is a good thing. In the past, I checked my email on the BlackBerry all the time, even when I was (Shock! Horrors!) sitting in a courtroom. But I could almost never provide a complete response, because I invariably needed information that the BlackBerry could not access. The BlackBerry would only add items to my "to do" list, not remove them.

Now, I tote my notebook computer almost everywhere during the business day, and when I sit down wherever I might be, fire up the notebook, I have everything available, courtesy of our shared Exchange account (Outlook) and a LogMeIn Hamachi VPN or LogMeIn Pro remote access (for documents and everything else). Moreover, everything coming in or going out of my office winds up in a PDF file, so I don't even need to carry physical files.

The connection speed is slower than your wired network, and even slower than an office wireless network or other WiFi hotspots (many courthouses in New Jersey have public WiFi), but the 3G (third generation) cellular access is faster than you may think. Take care of any heavy downloading when connected to a "real" network.

A USB modem, PC Card or netbook or notebook with an embedded cellular modem offers the same functionality, but the MiFi 2200 is more convenient since you can share it among multiple computers just like a wireless router, and because you can start it and slip it in your pocket or briefcase rather than inserting it in your notebook computer every time. It's also helpful if you own a WiFi-equipped PDA such as Apple's iPod touch, or even if you own a WiFi-equipped smartphone and find yourself in a location where Verizon (or Sprint) offers better service.

The Cost and Other Factors

The monthly cost for the 5 GB data plan (a lot of data as long as you are not watching videos) is approximately $60 right now. The MiFi 2200 with a contract costs approximately $100. While the plan costs a little bit more than the data-only plan for my BlackBerry, I no longer pay the $10 monthly fee for the BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES) charged by my shared Exchange provider, so the price is a wash. Sprint's pricing is similar.

I don't have clients or partners who require a 30-second response time. With the MiFi 2200, my laptop, and our firm's VPN, remote terminal access, and shared Exchange system, I can check in evenings and weekends, at home or any other place. During business hours, I am never more than three hours away from being able to check my email even if I am in court all day.

If I can make a cellular phone call, I can use the MiFi 2200. For, me, and I suspect for many small firm lawyers, this setup provides an alternative that no smartphone — not even the iPhone — can touch.

Written by Edward Zohn of Zohn & Zohn, LLP.

How to Receive SmallLaw
Small firm, big dreams. Published first via email newsletter and later here on our blog, SmallLaw provides you with a mix of practical advice that you can use today, and insight about what it will take for small law firms like yours to thrive in the future. The SmallLaw newsletter is free so don't miss the next issue. Please subscribe now.

Topics: Email/Messaging/Telephony | Gadgets/Shredders/Office Gear | Networking/Operating Systems | SmallLaw
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