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A Recap of Ignite Law 2011 (With Videos): The TED of the Legal Industry

By Kathryn Hughes | Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Coming today to TechnoFeature: What happens when three of the legal industry's premier event planners team up and invite a dozen of the most dynamic lawyers and legal technologists to discuss innovation in law practice? You get an explosive TED-like event called Ignite Law 2011. With each speaker limited to six minutes, the presentations have a high signal-to-noise ratio (Ignite ain't your father's legal conference). In this TechnoFeature, Will County, Illinois lawyer and SmallLaw columnist Mazyar Hedayat summarizes each of the 12 presentations. Even better, he links to the video of each presentation so that you can virtually attend Ignite. Fasten your seatbelt and prepare for a thought-provoking 72-minute ride to the future of the legal profession.

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